New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)
New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)
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New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)

NZTM - New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates

New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)

Separate version available which displays coordinates in the new New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM) coordinate system.

Version 2008 now has all map scales and the same functionality as the NZMG version.
1:2 million
1:1 million

3D is viewable on 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 scale maps.

 EXAMPLE (200kb)

NZTM prices:

  • New Zealand    $285

New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)
New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)
New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)
New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)
New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)
New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM) Freshmap Logo New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)
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New Zealand Transverse Mercator Coordinates (NZTM)