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garmin GPS topographic mapping
GPS Mapping
Freshmap for Garmin GPS
Want to have 1:50,000 scale topographic maps on your Garmin GPS? Then this is the product for you. It's available only on microSD cards so it slots right into the "x" model Garmin colour GPS.
Garmin GPS Topographic mapping is not a computer-based product, and is designed specifically for your Garmin GPS.
If you want a computer based product then check out Freshmap Topographic mapping.
Freshmap for Garmin GPS on microSD card:
- New Zealand - $149 (600mb)
These screen shots have been taken from a Garmin GPSMap60CX screen.
Freshmap for Garmin GPS has contour lines and all the features you would expect to find on a topographical map.
Freshmap for Garmin GPS provides all the information needed for off-track navigation like:
Slips, scree, gravel, sand, mud
Bridges, coastal rocks,
Shelter belts, fences, individual trees
Trig stations
Hot springs
Better track and vehicle track visibility
Properly named rivers and streams rather than just spot names.
Altitudes are properly integrated with mountain names.
Freshmap for Garmin GPS also allows searching by street address including house numbering.
Freshmap for Garmin GPS also merges recent roading so Freshmap HAS the most comprehensive road mapping.
Freshmap for Garmin GPS prices:
- Freshmap GPS on micro SD card for all New Zealand $149
Please click on this link to see a list of the GPS that Freshmap works with.
Freshmap with Garmin GPS